
Say Yes to that big project, and No to cash flow headaches

Short-term loans backed by your contract, not your credit

In the past, getting money to start a new project was a cinch. Property owners or GCs would dish out up to 10% of the contract amount before work even started.

Then the Recession hit, and for construction contractors, it hit like a ton of bricks.

Construction cash flow is broken


Every new project comes with upfront costs like labor, materials, bonding and more. The bulk of which fall on your shoulders.


Owners, GCs, and banks are not giving out mobilization money like in the past. How are you supposed to cover those costs?


You finance the first 30 days of productivity on the job … then wait 60-80 days to get paid and (hopefully) recoup some of that initial investment.

You deserve a better way to fund new work. So, we built one!


Our loan program gives commercial contractors an opportunity to secure the capital they need before the job even begins. Get and spend the money you need to do the job you were hired to do.

  1. The collateral for the loan is the job contract itself.
  2. The repayment schedule is aligned with the project payment timeline.
  3. The loan is specific to each project, keeping your project funded and moving forward.
  4. Change orders and delays do not change the interest rate or nature of the loan.
  5. Your personal credit isn’t affected.

Best of all, you get the money when you need it most — before the work starts!

Stop worrying about how to make payroll, order materials, secure permits, and pay vendors. With our easy loan application you can quickly get funded and get to work.

Success starts with cash flow


How much profit is that new project making you, and when will you earn it?

Are you sure about your answers?

Use our Cash Flow Estimator to make sure you’re making the margin you need, when you need it, and (hopefully) with enough left over to make the job profitable.

“I can’t tell the story of my business without talking about Mobilization Funding.”

We asked Prime Electrical's CEO & founder Camell Williams to share why he became a Mobilization Funding client and what his experience has been with our company.


Cash flow relief in 1-2-3


Complete our 3-question online application. Don't worry—a member of our team will walk you through the entire process from here.


Once the contract is executed, we fund your project in a special "lock box" account, keeping your project's cash flow secure.


We help manage the project accounting for you, removing headaches and letting you focus on what matters most, the work.

Why Are Construction Profit Margins Low

Featured Content: Margin vs Markup

Understanding the difference between margin and markup is critical for contractors and business owners. We created this helpful Margin vs. Markup guide so you know your numbers are right.

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